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For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. - Galatians 5:13
We are delighted that you are inquiring about the BTWF Ministry. Our motto is “A Great Church is a Serving Church” and through the years we have been committed to meeting the needs of our members and the community. We pray that you come aboard and actively participate in helping us to reach the community and world abroad.
If you are interested in volunteering or would like to join any of our ministries, please click here.
Armor Bearers – Consists of dedicated people who attend closely to the needs of the Pastor & 1st Lady. Armor bearers may be required to travel with the Pastor & 1st Lady for special events.
Kids Connection – Ministers to children ages 3-10 on Sunday during 2nd Service through play, arts & crafts, drama, etc.
Christian Education – Ministers to the educational needs of members through structured curriculum.
Drama Guild - Group of writers and actors/actresses who plan, develop script and produce plays and drama skits.
Evangelism – Assists in the evangelical needs of the church and focuses on reaching the lost through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We host various annual outreach programs such as Thanksgiving dinner giveaway, toiletries care packages and Free food on Thursday from 2pm-4pm .
Health & Hospitality – Licensed nurses who assist members and visitors with health-related issues.
Membership Matrix – Supports BTWF families by maintaining a database on contact information, Christian Education classes completed, baptisms, bereavements, etc. Also responsible of conducted new member’s orientation.
Men’s Ministry – Our men’s ministry focuses on the mental and spiritual development of men through teaching, evangelism, prayer, and fellowship.
Multi-Media – Oversees the various departmental sub-groups which handle presenting text, graphics, video, and sound in an integrated manner within the ministry and to the public.
Music Department – Facilitates the overall direction of the various choirs. They are also responsible for providing training workshops for choir and musician development.
New Generation Senior Ministry – Promotes healthy living and fellowship among seniors 55 and older.
Praise Dance Ministry – Let’s set the atmosphere as we praise and dance before our Lord and Savior! Our ministry includes adult praise dancers that worship multiple times a year.
Singles – An Adult ministry that promotes fellowship and ministers to the single lifestyle.
The X-Perience Young Adult Ministry – This young group (ranging from ages 11-18) is fired up to serve the Lord! They hold Sunday worship service at 10:30am and host an annual youth conference along with various teen night events during the year.
S.I.S.T.E.R.’S – We have an outstanding women’s ministry at BTWF. That focuses on healing every women form the inside out. We have an annual women’s conference and outings.